Device Security & Application


Protect your organisation from data breaches and security risks with streamlined mobile and computer device management for your mobile fleet.

VoicePlus’ Device Security and Application managed services support all major Mobile Device Management (MDM), Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM), and Unified Enterprise Management (UEM) applications.


By outsourcing your Device Security & Application
to VoicePlus, we’ll provide:

card-img Expertise and resources

Device management providers have specialised expertise in managing and securing mobile devices and can offer a higher level of security and support compared to in-house teams.

card-img Cost savings

Outsourcing Device Management can reduce the costs associated with procuring, maintaining, and supporting mobile devices, as well as the costs associated with training and staffing an in-house team.

card-img Scalability

As organisations grow, the number of mobile devices they use can also grow, making it more difficult to manage them in-house. Device Management providers can scale their services to accommodate this growth, helping organisations avoid costly and time-consuming transitions.

card-img Improved security

Device Management providers have the tools, processes, and expertise to secure mobile devices against cyber threats and data breaches

card-img Better device management

Device Management providers have the tools and processes to efficiently manage a large fleet of devices, including tracking inventory, provisioning new devices, and providing remote support.

card-img Access to new technologies

Device Management providers have access to the latest mobile technologies and can help organizations stay ahead of the curve regarding device management and security.

Outsourcing Device Management can significantly benefit organisations in terms of cost savings, improved security, and better device management. Organisations can focus on their core business activities by working with a trusted provider while ensuring their mobile devices are secure and well-supported.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

MDM stands for Mobile Device Management. It is a technology solution for securing and managing mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. MDM aims to allow organisations to manage and secure the devices and data they use while also improving user productivity.

MDM typically includes the following features:

  • Device enrollment and provisioning

    MDM solutions allow organisations to enrol devices and configure them with the necessary policies and settings.

  • Remote wipe

    In the event of a lost or stolen device, MDM solutions allow administrators to wipe the device remotely, protecting sensitive data.

  • Software updates

    MDM solutions can automatically install software updates, ensuring that devices are up-to-date with the latest security patches and feature releases.

  • Security policies

    MDM solutions allow organisations to enforce security policies, such as password requirements, encryption, and access restrictions.

  • Inventory management

    MDM solutions can track and manage the inventory of mobile devices, including device type, operating system version, and other relevant information.

  • App management

    MDM solutions can be used to manage the distribution and deployment of mobile apps, ensuring that users have access to the apps they need to be productive.

Overall, MDM provides organisations with a centralised and secure way to manage and support their mobile devices while reducing the risks associated with mobile devices and data.


Enterprise Mobility & Laptop Management (EMM)

EMM stands for Enterprise Mobility Management. It is a set of solutions and technologies that organisations use to manage and secure the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, within the enterprise.


EMM typically includes the following components:

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)

    EMM solutions often include MDM, which is used to manage and secure the mobile devices used within the enterprise.

  • Mobile Content Management (MCM)

    EMM solutions may also include Mobile Content Management (MCM), which is used to manage and secure content on mobile devices, including documents, images, and video..

  • Mobile Application Management (MAM)

    EMM solutions also include Mobile Application Management (MAM), which is used to manage and secure mobile apps used within the enterprise.

  • Mobile Identity Management (MIM)

    Some EMM solutions include Mobile Identity Management (MIM), which is used to manage and secure user identities and access to enterprise resources.

EMM solutions provide organizations with comprehensive tools and technologies for managing and securing their mobile devices, apps, and data. By implementing EMM, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure their mobile devices and data are secure and well-managed. Additionally, EMM can improve employee productivity by providing access to the resources and apps they need, while ensuring that sensitive data is protected.

Unified Enterprise Management (UEM)

UEM stands for Unified Endpoint Management. It is a set of solutions and technologies that organisations use to manage and secure all of the endpoints in their enterprise, including desktops, laptops, mobile devices, IoT devices, and other endpoints.


UEM combines the functions of traditional endpoint management solutions, such as Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Desktop Management (DM), into a single, unified solution. This allows organizations to manage all of their endpoints from a single console, streamlining endpoint management and reducing the complexity and costs of managing multiple endpoint management solutions.

UEM solutions typically include the following components:

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)

    UEM solutions often include MDM, which is used to manage and secure mobile devices.

  • Desktop Management (DM)

    UEM solutions also often include Desktop Management, which is used to manage and secure desktop computers.

  • Application Management

    UEM solutions may also include application management, which is used to manage and secure applications across all endpoints.

  • Security

    UEM solutions include security features, such as device encryption and remote wipe, to protect the enterprise from cyber threats.

  • IoT Device Management

    Some UEM solutions include IoT device management, which is used to manage and secure Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

UEM provides organizations with a unified, end-to-end solution for managing and securing all of their endpoints, from mobile devices to desktops to IoT devices. By implementing UEM, organizations can improve security, reduce the complexity and costs of endpoint management, and increase the efficiency of their endpoint management processes.

3 Strategies to Reduce Telecom Cost

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Discover how VoicePlus can revolutionise your company's telco and enterprise mobility management.

Get in touch with us today for more information. Call +61 2 9334 5600 or email us using the form below.